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Home » Time to show your teeth, AVB!

Time to show your teeth, AVB!

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Forget Abramovich’s temper, AVB should be fearing the wrath of the common man!

Oh look what we have here, another defeat, what’s that then, four in a row now?!? The media has done nothing but speculate on how long AVB has left at our beloved Blues, but for the first time this season…I’m starting to speculate myself!

Sat in work, before the game, I was 80 percent confident we could progress tonight, I thought, ‘tonight’s the night, let’s get back to winning ways’ – and it all looked good!

Taking the lead through Drogba, I figured we needed just one more and it’s hello ‘last 16’, but hey ho, that’s not the case. What is the case, is the niggling annoyance of losing when the victory was deserved, of having the attacking football but not delivering, of getting so close to scoring, but not having that killer instinct to finish it off.

I’m sat at my desk at work, writing this with mixed emotions, the most predominant feeling is anger. I’m tired of hearing of our loss, frustrated at hearing about being so close, yet so far, and I’m tired of a manager, who we forked out 16.5 mil out for, I’m just saying the same thing every time: ‘It’s ok, we’ll sort it’.

With all due respect, if as a fan, I’m feeling the pressure, I would hate to see what AVB’s stress levels are at, but what I need to see, and I hope to see the Blues peak and show some animalistic instincts, and to be ruthless.

When you look at some of the most successful managers of our time, Sir Alex Ferguson and our own Jose Mourinho, they were never afraid to make the decisions people would question. Ferguson sold two of his key senior players back in the 90’s, trusting in young blood, which paid off when obtaining the League and FA Cup. As for Mourinho, he was as charismatic as a pop star on drugs, but also never feared to make the ‘right’ decision.

We need to see some exodus of fringe and non-needed players in January, but firstly we need to see some sort of change and very quickly, defeats such as 5-3 to Arsenal, 2-1 to Liverpool and Bayer Leverkusen, and especially a nine-man 1-0 loss to QPR, that stuff isn’t good enough – especially when those defeats came off the back of dominated performances.

Sturridge was the stand out player tonight, but the only thing I can’t condem at the moment is the attacking football, and the team’s ‘togetherness’ as a unit, please AVB, sort it out quickly, not only for our sake’s, but for yours pal!

By Warwick Tuatara

2 responses to “Time to show your teeth, AVB!”

  1. Alexander Avatar

    Yees man we all want to write a lot about that beause we are dissapinted. Losses will make us stronger and will make the owner buying more high class footballers. We will have a holliday in our street soon there is 100% sureness.

  2. Warwick Avatar

    No doubt about it Alex, the night is always darkest befroe the dawn, but i just wnat us to hurry up and get it right!

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2 thoughts on “Time to show your teeth, AVB!”

  1. Yees man we all want to write a lot about that beause we are dissapinted. Losses will make us stronger and will make the owner buying more high class footballers. We will have a holliday in our street soon there is 100% sureness.

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